Virtual Lesson Study Facilitator Playbook for Science Educators

  • What’s new? An electronic guide to support facilitators of online science lesson study professional development teams.

  • How and why is this useful? During the pandemic, teacher professional development previously conducted in a face-to-face environment had to be adjusted to both embrace new opportunities created by online instruction and to accommodate for any constraints. This guide builds on existing resources for lesson study facilitation in a face-to-face environment, and provides direction for facilitators supporting teachers in an online environment -- particularly related to using digital and technological tools to support and enhance the implementation of the lesson study process.

  • What was a unique aspect of this project development? The implementation of lesson study during the pandemic required online tools and strategies to support teacher professional growth. This led to a guide for facilitators to support the implementation of a virtual lesson study experience. Lesson study experts previously funded with CAPMSE regional improvement funds were asked to provide feedback on the main ideas of the facilitator guide and to share their experience, expertise, and project resources to further inform its development. In addition, this guide offers support for the implementation of lesson study by facilitators who are working with teachers online, face-to-face, or in a hybrid environment.

  • Do you want to know more? To find out more about this guide click here, or contact Nathan Inouye ( at the Ventura County Office of Education.